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Expression of Interest - Board Members

Issued on Friday, 07 June 2024

Deadline for submission 17 July 2024


The Pacific Sexual and Gender Diversity Network is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from people who are suitable and willing to be considered for appointment to our Regional Governance Board.

A little about Us

The Pacific Sexual and Gender Diversity Network (PSGDN) is a non-profit organization focused on promoting equality and support for Pacific Islanders of Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sexual Characteristic ( PIDSOGIESC) individuals living in the Pacific region. It was established in response to the lack of resources and support for PIDSOGIESC people in the region. The network works with activists, community leaders, and organizations to advocate for PIDSOGIESC rights, provide support and resources for marginalized individuals, and raise awareness of issues affecting PIDSOGIESC through public awareness campaigns and advocacy efforts.


Our strategic priorities

We have a strong strategic plan for the 2019-2024 with our core strategic priorities being:

Outcome 1: PIDSOGIESC+ rights legally protected, defended and promoted
Outcome 2: PIDSOGIESC+ live free from any form of stigma, discrimination and violence
Outcome 3: PIDSOGIESC+ people empowered to access critical social services and engage in essential community consultation and decision-making processes
Outcome 4: PIDSOGIESC+ people have well-established PIDSOGIESC+ national and regional organisation(s) to represent and serve their interests.


Our website has detailed information about the PSGDN and its activities, including our Articles of Association, current Strategic Plan and Annual Reports. These documents are linked from the ‘who we are’ page:


If you share the PSGDN passion for our mission and purpose, and can bring diverse perspectives to bear on how we carry out our work, then please read on. If you know someone who may be interested, then please share this information and encourage them to consider this opportunity.


About our Board

The Pacific Sexual and Gender Diversity Regional Governance board is comprise of several members with varying experience from for profit and not for profit sectors.

The Board provides governance and strategic leadership to the organisation and invites and encourages a diverse and inclusive perspective from each board member. The board is responsible for:

- Appointing and providing guidance and support to the CEO;
- Providing input, guidance and participation in the development and execution of the Strategic Plan;
- Providing alignment and accountability to the organisation in achieving the strategic objectives and priorities;
- Being brand ambassadors for the organisation promoting the work and impact the organisation on PIDSOGIESC rights. 

Organisational and Board Structure

The Pacific Sexual and Gender Diversity Network is a company limited by guarantee and is registered as the Pacific Sexual and Gender Diversity Network. There are maximum 7 seats on the Regional Governance board and currently five of them are vacant which needs to be filled immediately.
Apart from the Regional Governance board there is the Foundation Board made up of Board of Company Directors (founding leaders) who are responsible for the compliance of the organisation to the regulatory requirements in Fiji.

Role of a Regional Governance Board Member

In the position as a regional governance board member of the PSGDN, you will be expected to:

- Participate in at least 4 board meetings per year and be an active contributor;
- Participate in an annual strategy meeting offsite;
- Adhere to and execute your duties as a Board members under the Corporate Governance policy of the PSGDN, and the Board Terms of Reference;
- Become a member of a sub-committee and attend relevant meetings.
- Build a collegial working relationship with other board members that contributes to a consensual approach to decisions.
- Utilise own skills, experience and knowledge to support the growth and success of the organisation
- Help communicate and promote the PSGDN’s mission, purpose and services to the community
- Become familiar with the PSGDN’s strategy, services, resources, finances, and Market.
- Understand the national, and regional context and issues, service delivery, financial aims, and policies and procedures.


In this position you have the opportunity to:

- Be an integral part of the evolution, development and expansion of the PSGDN as a regional network of SOGIESC organisations;
- Guide, support and nurture the CEO and wider organisation striving to create positive impact and relationships with the PIDSOGIESC community;
- Assist the organisation in addressing any strategic challenges;
- Be an active contributor in assisting PIDSOGIESCpeople who are LGBTQI and contribute to society in all aspects of their lives.


Meetings and Time Commitment

The Regional Governance Board members meets online every quarter in a year (January, April, July, October) and if there are adequate resources, an in-person meeting will be held in the first quarter of the calendar year (between January and March) for review and planning and approval of budget for the next financial year.

An annual strategic planning day is usually held out of the office (usually late January or early February) and a regular face-to- face Board meeting usually takes place in the morning of the following day. Board meetings typically last 2 hours. The strategic planning day is a full day or two and a half-days event. Preparation for meetings and any sub-committee duties will require additional time.


Term and Remuneration

Board members of the PSGDN are appointed/elected for a three (3) year term at the Annual General Meeting following their appointment. There is a maximum term of three (3) re-appointments, being a cap of nine (9) years. Board member positions are voluntary and there is no remuneration for your time invested in fulfilling the role of Board member. Board members can be located anywhere in the Pacific.

Reasonable travel expenses will be covered if required.


Skills Matrix Needs
We are looking for up to FIVE (5) new board members that can actively contribute and be part of our growth and to align themselves with our Strategic Plan. We are looking for new board members who identify as PIDSOGIESC community member or an ally whose expertise and experience at least covers 3 of the following areas:

Executive leadership
Medical and Health
Human resources, people and culture
Risk, governance and compliance
Strategic planning and KPI’s
Finance and accounting, auditing
Development, Programme Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Marketing and sales
Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion
Fundraising/philanthropy, resource mobilisation
Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights
Investment and funds management
Technology and IT systems

Applicants are invited from Fiji and across the Pacific Island Countries.

Next Steps

All EOI’s received will be treated confidentially by the PSGDN CEO and current Board. Please submit your Expression of Interest letter via email addressing all the selection criteria outlined above and submit a copy of your most updated CV to 

The PSGDN Board Member EOI process will close on 17th July 2024 and a decision will be communicated shortly after. It is expected appointed Board Members would be nominated at a Special General Meeting with attendance required at the second half of the year 2024. (TBC).

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